Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My name is Hannah. I'm starting this blog so I can kid of discover myself in this adventure; this crazy dance of life. I want to use this as something to help me grow. I want a place where I can share the great things of life. But sometimes I may use it as a place to just get things off my chest. Then of course I can move on and be better. That's kind of what this dance is all about. Making it through the hard things to make us stronger and better people. Sometimes it's going to be hard. You may hate life and want to give up. That will probably be the easiest thing you can think of. But you can't. You have to find a reason to keep dancing. One of my reason's are a group of beautiful little Anderson children.  I love them with all my heart. I remind myself that Aunt Hannah has to be strong for them. I have to be an example. I once read a quote that said "If you ever feel like giving up, just remember that there's a little girl watching, who wants to be just like you. Don't disappoint her." I try to remember this every time it gets too hard. I think about one of those sweet little faces and remind myself that they are watching me. I have to be the person I want them to be. It will all be worth it. No matter what your trial is, find your reason to keep dancing.


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